Dear Parent/Guardians:
Sunday School at Bethany Church
Here at Bethany Church, we value the opportunity to help lead your child in the teachings and following of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To achieve this, we will offer Sunday School instruction on the alternating Sundays, starting September 12, 2021, and running through June 5, 2022. On Sundays between "Sunday School Sundays," children should attend the entire Service with family. Children should come each week with their Parent/Guardian to the Sanctuary at the start of the Church service (9:30 a.m.). After the Children’s message (about 9:45 a.m.), children will leave the Sanctuary with their teacher to attend class. Class will end at 10:30 a.m. Children will be brought to the Allen Parlor following class to be picked up by their Parent/Guardian.
For the Sunday School season, we will offer the “Gospel Light” curriculum. This curriculum will gently introduce your younger child to Jesus and to Biblical stories and continue this instruction to your older child. We will use the pre-school curriculum for children ages 2 years to 5 years and the Elementary School curriculum for children ages 6 years to 12 years. (Parents of children over age 12 should speak to Reverend McCorkle regarding Confirmation instruction). Here is a link to the “Gospel Light” website for you to explore:
Teachers for the school year will be a combination of weekly and monthly volunteers. Jean Wilson has volunteered to teach the students in the 5 years and up age group and has many years of experience teaching Children of this age in a Sunday School setting.
Teachers for the younger children will rotate weekly, unless a permanent volunteer can be found. For now, we hope to have parents/guardians volunteer to lead the preschool class one Sunday per month. If it happens that we have many volunteers, then the teaching assignment will be less than once per month per volunteer. Jean will provide each week’s volunteer with the curriculum prior to the Sunday of class so that the volunteer will have time to read through the lesson and decide how they wish to present the material to the children. If you can help out by volunteering, please complete a Volunteer Form and return it to the Church.
Finally, we are hoping to have a ministerial visit each month from our pastor (Reverend McCorkle).
So that your child/children may participate, please complete a Registration form and return it to the Church office. Also, please complete a Volunteer form so that Jean can prepare a schedule of leaders for the younger Children. You can get the Registration and the Volunteer forms from the church office.
Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please call the office at 617.479.7300.
Thank you!